White T’s Pics/Shore YouTube

Yooooooooo!!!! Thanks to everyone who came out to White T’s(on what’s supposed to be the deadest month of the year) and made it live as shit. Fuck the shore, and fuck going home for the summer(if you are of the college persuasion that is). Extra special shout outs go to DIPLO for coming through and rocking with us late night on the surprise set tip.

Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the night, and a link to some others I was fortunate enough to receive a link to.

Nothing sweet but some sparks in here. Mean mugs 4 eva.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Real guls get down on the flo, on the flo
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Link to more White T’s pics.

When I said fuck the shore, I definitely wasn’t talking about Avalon, NJ. Once a year my man Bobbles throws an event called “Bobblepalooza”. It’s a fund raiser for Multiple Sclerosis, which earned upwards of 10 stacks for the cause this year. Emil and I dj’ed it(killed shit son) for seven hours and only played 2 songs twice. We also drank for seven hours, and helped the party kill 40 FUCKING KEGS. Hate it or love it, this event brings out some colorful characters. One of them is showcased in this YouTube of an afterparty. Homes wore cowboy boots and tighty-whiteys(the yellow version) all day at the party while writhing around like a snake on a dance floor covered in beer, sweat, and spit.

Yes, he is bench pressing kegs.

I finally found someone that has more fun than me. Amazing.


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